BOOKS - TECHNICAL SCIENCES - Green Energy Solar Energy, Photovoltaics, and Smart Citi...
Green Energy Solar Energy, Photovoltaics, and Smart Cities
Author: Edited by Suman Lata Tripathi and Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban
Year: 2021
Format: PDF
File size: 33,34 MB
Language: ENG
Year: 2021
Format: PDF
File size: 33,34 MB
Language: ENG
Like most industries around the world, the energy industry has also made, and continues to make, a long march toward “green” energy. The science has come a long way since the 1970s, and renewable energy and other green technologies are becoming more and more common, replacing fossil fuels. It is, however, still a struggle, both in terms of energy sources keeping up with demand, and the development of useful technologies in this area.