BOOKS - HISTORY - Как жили византийцы
Как жили византийцы - Литаврин Г.Г 1974 PDF/FB2 Наука BOOKS HISTORY
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Как жили византийцы
Author: Литаврин Г.Г
Year: 1974
Format: PDF/FB2
File size: 24.5 MB
Language: RU

The book tells about the living conditions and activities of representatives of different classes and classes of Byzantine society in the 9th-12th centuries. The reader learns about the types of occupations of the Byzantines, about their social and social institutions, about the forms of organization of state and church power in the empire, about the nature of the wars waged by Byzantium, about the popular movements and rebellions of the nobility, as well as about the features of Byzantine life, about family relations, upbringing, holidays and entertainment of the Byzantines.

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