BOOKS - NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES - Рунет новое созвездие в галактике интернет...
Рунет новое созвездие в галактике интернет - Криволап А.Д. 2016 PDF Vilnius Asociacija «Politikos Studij? Institutas “Politin? sfera”» BOOKS NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES
US $7.70

Рунет новое созвездие в галактике интернет
Author: Криволап А.Д.
Year: 2016
Number of pages: 260
Format: PDF
File size: 10 MB

The monograph is the result of a research project on the development of Internet technologies in the East European Border Region (Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine), which was implemented in 2007-2008. The study was carried out within the framework of the paradigm of cultural studies, in the sociological traditions of "grounded theory" based on research interviews. If you are interested in the question of how the "Russian world" and Runet are related, then this book is for you. It will also be useful to all those who are interested in studying the socio-cultural consequences of the development of communication technologies and how the Internet changes our everyday cultural practices.

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