BOOKS - PROGRAMMING - C++. Объектно-ориентированное программирование Практикум...
C++. Объектно-ориентированное программирование Практикум - Павловская Т. А., Щупак Ю. А. 2006 PDF СПб. Питер BOOKS PROGRAMMING
USDt 8.84


C++. Объектно-ориентированное программирование Практикум
Author: Павловская Т. А., Щупак Ю. А.
Year: 2006
Format: PDF
File size: 7,8 MB
Language: RU

The workshop is intended for students studying the C++ language in seminars or on their own. Classes, templates, inheritance, exceptions, standard library, UML, software engineering concepts, and design patterns are discussed in examples accompanied by the necessary theoretical information. Algorithms, debugging techniques, and quality issues are discussed. Each topic contains 20 options for tasks.

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