BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Выход из окружения 19-го армейского корпуса у Томашова в 1...
Выход из окружения 19-го армейского корпуса у Томашова в 1914 г. - Белой А. 1937 PDF М. Государственное военное издательство Наркомата обороны Союза ССР (Воениздат) BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
USDt 9.75


Выход из окружения 19-го армейского корпуса у Томашова в 1914 г.
Author: Белой А.
Year: 1937
Format: PDF
File size: 15,5 MB
Language: RU

Against the background of the general situation in the 5th Russian army during the Battle of Galicia (August 1914), the author describes in detail the actions of the 19th Russian corps, which was almost surrounded by the troops of the 4th Austrian army, but after a six-day stubborn battle managed to get out of the preparing complete encirclement. The book is intended for study by command personnel as an example of the corps leaving the environment.

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