BOOKS - NATURAL SCIENCES - Шагреневая кожа Земли Биосфера-почва-человек...
Шагреневая кожа Земли Биосфера-почва-человек - Никитин Е.Д., Гирусов Э.В. 1993 DJVU Наука BOOKS NATURAL SCIENCES
USDt 5.86


Шагреневая кожа Земли Биосфера-почва-человек
Author: Никитин Е.Д., Гирусов Э.В.
Year: 1993
Format: DJVU
File size: 1,56 MB
Language: RU

A book of a wide natural history direction, which in a fascinating form sets out the original doctrine of the ecological functions of the biosphere and soil - "shagreen skin of the Earth." The irreplaceable role of soil cover in the life and evolution of the planet and terrestrial civilization is shown. The action of general natural laws in the life of the biosphere and man is highlighted. The ways of saving the soil - the planetary knot of ecological connections are shown. The problem of preserving human health and the environment is considered. For a wide range of readers - ecologists, soil scientists, geographers, agricultural and forestry workers, conservationists and everyone who cares about the fate of our Earth.

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