BOOKS - HISTORY - Эпоха великих географических открытий. Лабиринты истории...
Эпоха великих географических открытий. Лабиринты истории - Беспалов Ю.Г., Беспалова Н.Ю., Носов К.В., Бадаев Д.В. 2002 PDF Клуб Семейного Досуга BOOKS HISTORY
USDt 8.78


Эпоха великих географических открытий. Лабиринты истории
Author: Беспалов Ю.Г., Беспалова Н.Ю., Носов К.В., Бадаев Д.В.
Year: 2002
Format: PDF
File size: 23 MB
Language: RU

The era of great geographical discoveries - a period that went down in history as the time of the origin of the confrontation between the civilizations of the world How did this process go? Why did Europe manage to take a dominant position in the world? The suggested book will help you find answers to these and many other questions. The book deals with the era of the Great geographical discoveries - the time when Christopher Columbus, Magellan, Vasco da Gama, Francis Drake, their associates and rivals performed their exploits. The exploits of the great navigators and pioneers of that era allowed Europe to break out into the vastness of the oceans, and European civilization to occupy a predominant position in the world. Various aspects of the relationship between civilizations are considered from the point of view of a certain game, which will help the reader to get acquainted in detail with the various nuances of historical problems analyzed in this work.

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