BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Кризис в созависимых отношениях. Принципы и алгоритмы ...
Кризис в созависимых отношениях. Принципы и алгоритмы консультирования - Емельянова Е.В. 2014 DJVU Речь BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
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Кризис в созависимых отношениях. Принципы и алгоритмы консультирования
Author: Емельянова Е.В.
Year: 2014
Format: DJVU
File size: 10 MB
Language: RU

The book details the basics of consulting work with clients involved in codependent relationships - models and algorithms of work, analysis of personal characteristics of clients, levels and principles of advisory support. The book contains a variety of theoretical and practical material and will be useful for psychologists, consultants, psychotherapists, social workers, as well as for all those who have encountered the problem of codependency in their lives.

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