BOOKS - HUMANITIES - Криминалистика. Техника, тактика и методика расследования престу...
Криминалистика. Техника, тактика и методика расследования преступлений - Бастрыкин А.И. 2009 PDF СПб. Юридический центр-Пресс BOOKS HUMANITIES
USDT 9.56


Криминалистика. Техника, тактика и методика расследования преступлений
Author: Бастрыкин А.И.
Year: 2009
Format: PDF
File size: 34 MB
Language: RU

This publication covers: the concept, scientific foundations, principles and forms of forensic identification; scientific foundations, types and methods of forensic research of writing; the significance and modern possibilities of forensic phonoscopy; tactics of forensic investigation of the scene; modern problems of international tracing of criminals; features of the methodology for investigating certain types of crimes.

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