BOOKS - SCIENCE AND STUDY - Периферийные устройства и системное программирование...
Периферийные устройства и системное программирование - Аль Аккад М.Л. 2022 DJVU Ижевск ИжГТУ BOOKS SCIENCE AND STUDY
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Периферийные устройства и системное программирование
Author: Аль Аккад М.Л.
Year: 2022
Format: DJVU
File size: 13 MB
Language: RU

Basic concepts are disclosed, the terminological apparatus is systematized, the basics of I/O hardware, the principles of creating I/O software are considered, a bank of tasks relevant for classroom and independent work of students is presented. Each section contains questions and tasks. Designed for classroom and independent work of undergraduate students studying in the direction of training 09.03.04 "Software Engineering" profile "Development of software and information systems"

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