AUDIOBOOKS - FICTION - Будь тем, кто ты есть! (Аудиокнига)
Будь тем, кто ты есть! (Аудиокнига) - Махарши Рамана Размер 1.36 ГбУчение Бхагавана Шри Раманы Махарши находит все возрастающую аудиторию в мире даже спу MP3 аудиокнига своими руками AUDIOBOOKS FICTION
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Будь тем, кто ты есть! (Аудиокнига)
Author: Махарши Рамана
Year: Размер 1.36 ГбУчение Бхагавана Шри Раманы Махарши находит все возрастающую аудиторию в мире даже спу
Format: MP3
File size: 1.36 GB
Language: RU
Genre: Эзотерика

The teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi find a growing audience in the world even more than half a century after the death of the Master, one of the most revered spiritual Teachers of India, who survived the Absolute, Eternal Truth as a sixteen-year-old boy, spontaneously, without the help of an external mentor. Compiled by David Godman, a prominent figure in the Raman movement, a publicist who has deeply studied and practiced the Instructions of Sri Ramana for many years, a systematic collection of his dialogues with admirers and students has been translated into major European languages. It has gained worldwide fame as a valuable manual containing comprehensive answers to pressing questions of this simple, but very subtle spiritual practice, and will be very useful for Russian-speaking seekers of Truth.

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