MAGAZINES - HEALTH - Народный лекарь. Спецвыпуск №34 (2010) Гиповитаминоз. Профилакти...
Народный лекарь. Спецвыпуск №34 (2010) Гиповитаминоз. Профилактика и лечение -  2010 PDF ООО "ИД "Питер-МедиаПресс" MAGAZINES HEALTH
US $9.90

Народный лекарь. Спецвыпуск №34 (2010) Гиповитаминоз. Профилактика и лечение
Year: 2010
Format: PDF
File size: 12,9 MB
Language: RU

In this book I would like to touch on one of the sections of the lifestyle: in particular, to analyze the lack of vitamins in the daily diet of a person, especially in the winter-spring period, which can lead to hypovitaminosis. Vitamin deficiency (or hypovitaminosis) is a painful condition of the body caused by insufficient intake of vitamins from food, disruption of their absorption from food, or inhibition of their synthesis in the body.

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