BOOKS - BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS - Экономический анализ
Экономический анализ - Савицкая Г.В. 2017 PDF ИНФРА-М BOOKS BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS
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Экономический анализ
Author: Савицкая Г.В.
Year: 2017
Format: PDF
File size: 91 MB

Methods of comprehensive in-house analysis of the results of production and financial activities of the enterprise, taking into account domestic and foreign experience and the author's own developments, are considered in detail. Unlike previous editions, the textbook more fully describes the methods for analyzing the cost of production, investment activities of an organization, financial results, efficiency and intensity of capital use, cash flow, financial results, justifying management decisions, and assessing financial risks. For students of higher educational institutions of economic specialties. It can be used by specialists of economic enterprises in the advanced training system.

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