BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - «Черная смерть». Правда и мифы о боевом применении штурмов...
«Черная смерть». Правда и мифы о боевом применении штурмовика ИЛ-2. 1941-1945 -  2013 RTF | FB2 | PDF Центрполиграф BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
USDt 6.51


«Черная смерть». Правда и мифы о боевом применении штурмовика ИЛ-2. 1941-1945
Year: 2013
Format: RTF | FB2 | PDF
File size: 11 MB
Language: RU

This book is dedicated to one of the most famous Soviet aircraft of the Great Patriotic War - the Il-2 attack aircraft. Among the Soviet soldiers and soldiers of the Wehrmacht, the plane received many different - beautiful and not so - nicknames: "humpback," "flying tank," "cementbomber," "iron Gustav," and finally, "black death." Being, in fact, the main attack aircraft of the Red Army Air Force, the attack aircraft was used for attacks on a wide variety of targets - from infantry, seated in trenches, to ships and fortified strongholds.

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