BOOKS - SCIENCE AND STUDY - Итерационно-интерполяционный метод и его приложения...
Итерационно-интерполяционный метод и его приложения - Гришин А.М., Берцун В.Н., Зинченко В.И. 1981 PDF Томск Изд-во Томск. ун-та BOOKS SCIENCE AND STUDY
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Итерационно-интерполяционный метод и его приложения
Author: Гришин А.М., Берцун В.Н., Зинченко В.И.
Year: 1981
Format: PDF
File size: 19 MB
Language: RU

The book is a textbook on one of the sections of computational mathematics - numerical integration of boundary value problems for equations of mathematical physics. The manual sets out one of the effective methods for solving these problems - the iterative interpolation method. Along with the main algorithm, the issues of convergence and numerical implementation of the method on modern electronic computers are covered. Examples of application of the method to solving actual problems of mechanics of reacting media are given.

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