BOOKS - HISTORY - Этнокультурный атлас Приамурья
Этнокультурный атлас Приамурья - Забияко А.П. и др. 2016 PDF Благовещенск Изд-во Амурский госуниверситет BOOKS HISTORY
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Этнокультурный атлас Приамурья
Author: Забияко А.П. и др.
Year: 2016
Format: PDF
File size: 23 MB
Language: RU

The book in chronological order on the basis of large factual material fully and comprehensively covers the ethnocultural history of the Amur region from ancient times. The book identifies the most important historical stages in the formation of ethnocultural history, highlights the main factors that influenced the emergence and development of ethnocultural traditions. A significant part of the factual material was collected by the authors during field studies.

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