BOOKS - HEALTH AND MEDICINE - Устранение заикания у дошкольников в игровых ситуациях...
Устранение заикания у дошкольников в игровых ситуациях - Выгодская И.Г., Пеллингер Е.Л., Успенская Л.П. 1993 PDF  BOOKS HEALTH AND MEDICINE
USDt 5.83


Устранение заикания у дошкольников в игровых ситуациях
Author: Выгодская И.Г., Пеллингер Е.Л., Успенская Л.П.
Year: 1993
Format: PDF
File size: 11,4 MB
Language: RU

The book presents a variety of dramatizations, role-playing and didactic games, materials for children's matinees that will help in the formation of free natural speech skills in stuttering preschool children. A separate chapter is a set of exercises developed by the authors for muscle and emotional relaxation, which creates conditions for the normalization of speech activity.