-------------------- YOULIBR - Пункт назначения... Цикл из 3 книг Виктор Громов FB2 2022-2023 BOOKS SCIENCE FICTION punkt-naznacheniya-cikl-iz-2-knig
BOOKS - SCIENCE FICTION - Пункт назначения... Цикл из 3 книг
Пункт назначения... Цикл из 3 книг - Виктор Громов 2022-2023 FB2 Самиздат BOOKS SCIENCE FICTION
US $6.78

Пункт назначения... Цикл из 3 книг
Author: Виктор Громов
Year: 2022-2023
Format: FB2
File size: 10.8 MB
Language: RU
Genre: Альтернативная история, Попаданцы во времени

After my sister's death, my life went awry. But the higher powers gave me a chance to make things right. Returned in the summer of 1978. Now I'm sixteen again. It remains to understand who my enemy is, save my sister and start life from scratch. In a word, to do everything that I could not cope with the first attempt.

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