BOOKS - HUMANITIES - Социально-экономическая география Удмуртии в доиндустриальную эп...
Социально-экономическая география Удмуртии в доиндустриальную эпоху - Кудрявцев А.Ф. 2012 PDF Ижевск Удмуртский университет BOOKS HUMANITIES
US $5.71

Социально-экономическая география Удмуртии в доиндустриальную эпоху
Author: Кудрявцев А.Ф.
Year: 2012
Number of pages: 170
Format: PDF
File size: 11 MB
Language: RU

This book is devoted to the historical geography of Udmurtia, namely its territorial organization of society in the pre-industrial era. The manual is equipped with a voluminous application, including archival materials, excerpts from scientific, popular science, periodical literature, as well as author's notes and illustrations (reproductions of famous Russian painters of the 19th century and retro photography). The textbook "Socio-economic geography of Udmurtia in the pre-industrial era" is addressed to students of the specialty and undergraduate specialty of training "Geography" for mastering the discipline "Geography of Udmurtia." It will be useful to school teachers and high school students, as well as everyone interested in the historical geography of the region.

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