BOOKS - SCIENCE FICTION - Не плачь, орчанка!
Не плачь, орчанка! - Дроздов Анатолий Федорович 2017 FB2 | RTF | TXT Самиздат BOOKS SCIENCE FICTION
US $5.64

Не плачь, орчанка!
Author: Дроздов Анатолий Федорович
Year: 2017
Format: FB2 | RTF | TXT
File size: 10 MB
Genre: Приключенческая фантастика , Попаданцы

The future seemed simple and clear to Anton Ilyin. Foreman of military service, excellent student of combat and political training, secretary of the Komsomol organization of the KPP, candidate for membership in the CPSU, he counted the days before the demobilization. In his native Minsk, his father and sister were waiting for him. He will return home and heal happily. Schaz! Fight, grenade explosion - and hello another world! Hello orcs and inhumans living here! The Soviet border guard came. He will teach you to walk in formation and love your homeland