BOOKS - CULTURE AND ARTS - Инструментоведение и инструментовка...
Инструментоведение и инструментовка - Петров Р.М., Матьёкубов Б.Ю. 2006 PDF Ташкент Turon-Iqbol BOOKS CULTURE AND ARTS
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Инструментоведение и инструментовка
Author: Петров Р.М., Матьёкубов Б.Ю.
Year: 2006
Format: PDF
File size: 5.2 MB
Language: RU

This manual provides general information about the brass band, its groups, instruments and discusses the basic techniques of instrumentation, the knowledge of which is mandatory for everyone starting this kind of work. One of the goals of the manual is to develop the skills and abilities of sketching, score design and orchestral parts (voices). Material both in instrumental studies and directly in instrumentation is given in relation to the small composition of the brass band, as the most common.