BOOKS - TECHNICAL SCIENCES - Физико-химические методы обработки поверхности полупрово...
Физико-химические методы обработки поверхности полупроводников - Луфт Б.Д. (ред.) 1982 DJVU Радио и связь BOOKS TECHNICAL SCIENCES
USDt 9.73


Физико-химические методы обработки поверхности полупроводников
Author: Луфт Б.Д. (ред.)
Year: 1982
Format: DJVU
File size: 20,4 MB
Language: RU

The basics of various chemical and physicochemical methods of semiconductor surface treatment are presented. Methods of chemical-mechanical, chemical-dynamic and plasma-chemical etching and polishing of monocrystalline substrates from silicon, germanium and A3V5 compounds, as well as chemical and electrochemical methods of local etching of semiconductors, preparation of crystals and epitaxial structures are described. Methods of inter-operational and final cleaning of semiconductors from various contaminants are systematized.

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