BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Будущая война в техническом, экономическом и политическом ...
Будущая война в техническом, экономическом и политическом отношениях. Том 1
Author: Блиох И.С.
Year: 1898
Format: PDF
File size: 41,81 MB
Year: 1898
Format: PDF
File size: 41,81 MB
Written at the end of the 19th century, the multivolume work of Ivan Stanislavovich Blioch "The Future War in Technical, Political and Economic Relations" is of interest in many aspects. This is a collection of military-technical, economic and political information, and an instructive lesson for all sorts of "altistorics" who believe that if they had a Time Machine, they would tell everything and change everything with this story, and just an example of stunning foresight of the character of the First World War, published in many languages in sufficient circulation, and turned out to be unrecognized. Volume 1 aims to "acquaint the reader with the modern armament of the armies..., as well as with the auxiliary means of combat significance introduced in the troops." The look at the weapons of the last century from the present century is well known to every lover of military history. Here we get acquainted with a look at the weapons of the last century from the century before last. Then the author goes on to describe "the actions of the troops of various weapons, namely, cavalry, artillery and infantry." Looking at a detailed analysis of these types of troops, we, from our time, could advise the author to supplement it with an equally detailed description of the mechanism of their interaction in the new conditions (which can only be considered the key to the success of the battle). However, even by the beginning of World War II, the factor of interaction between various military branches was given sufficient attention only in the German Wehrmacht.