BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Код денежной емкости. Начало пути к изобилию...
Код денежной емкости. Начало пути к изобилию - Алтынай Капалбаева 2024 FB2 | RTF Эксмо BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
USDt 5.48


Код денежной емкости. Начало пути к изобилию
Author: Алтынай Капалбаева
Year: 2024
Format: FB2 | RTF
File size: 11 MB
Language: RU

People do not inherit poverty, but the way of thinking of a poor person. This is the opinion of Altynai Kapalbaeva, a psychologist and financial coach, whose lectures helped more than 1000 people increase their income several times, close debts and launch startups. In this book, the author offers a unique enrichment strategy - a code of monetary capacity - an individual plan for income growth. Thanks to him, you will understand exactly what you should pay attention to and how to achieve an abundant life in a short time.

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