BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Психотерапия личной истории. Психотехнологии изменения...
Психотерапия личной истории. Психотехнологии изменения прошлого и создания будущего. Восточная версия нейропрограммирования, или учебники умения жить. Книга 3
Author: Ковалев С.В.
Year: 2008
Format: PDF
File size: 14 MB
Language: RU
Year: 2008
Format: PDF
File size: 14 MB
Language: RU
The book of one of the leaders of domestic neurolinguistic programming for the first time describes the methodology and methods of one of the most interesting areas of the Eastern version of neuroprogramming (VVN) as a direction of "advanced" NLP: psychotherapy of personal history. The basics of the theory of VVN and the methodology of this type of psychotherapy are described in detail and accessible; methodological aspects of the study and use of the Eastern version of neuroprogramming, as well as the practical implementation of psychotherapy of personal history; psychotechnology of changing the past and psychotechnology of creating the future.