BOOKS - HISTORY - Очерки истории внешней политики России Конец XIX века - 1917 год...
Очерки истории внешней политики России Конец XIX века - 1917 год - овыкин В.И. 1960 DJVU Учпедгиз BOOKS HISTORY
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Очерки истории внешней политики России Конец XIX века - 1917 год
Author: овыкин В.И.
Year: 1960
Format: DJVU
File size: 10,22 MB
Language: RU

The study is devoted to topical issues of Russian foreign policy at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries: problems of Russia's economic and political influence in the Far East, European agreements of the early XX century, consideration of the political crisis in Europe on the eve of the First World War, allied relations during the war.

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