BOOKS - HUMANITIES - Ноомахия Войны ума. Византийский Логос. Эллинизм и Империя...
Ноомахия Войны ума. Византийский Логос. Эллинизм и Империя - Дугин Александр 2016 PDF Москва Академический проект BOOKS HUMANITIES
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Ноомахия Войны ума. Византийский Логос. Эллинизм и Империя
Author: Дугин Александр
Year: 2016
Format: PDF
File size: 18 MB
Language: RU

The book examines the Greek Logos from the second half of the 4th century to the present. Hellenism, like the Hellenism preceding it, is characterized by a tense struggle between the patriarchal Appolono-Dionysian Logos and the structures of the matriarchal civilization of Cybele. Hellenism is the time of integration by the Greeks of the surrounding civilizations and the implementation of a new historical synthesis. Hellenism is Hellenism that opened up to the world, from exclusive to inclusive, entered into an intensive dialogue with the civilizations surrounding the Greeks, often more sacred than Greek and breathed into it Sacred enthusiasm and a sense of the living presence of a deity.

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