BOOKS - HISTORY - Политические партии России. Страницы истории...
Политические партии России. Страницы истории - Орлова Н.В. 1994 PDF М. Юрист BOOKS HISTORY
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Политические партии России. Страницы истории
Author: Орлова Н.В.
Year: 1994
Format: PDF
File size: 11 MB
Language: RU

Issues of formation and main directions of activity of political parties of Russia are considered. Particular attention is paid to the characterization of their position in 1917. The appendix contains the full texts of the programs of the RSDLP, the party of Socialist Revolutionaries (Socialist Revolutionaries), the Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadets), the Union of October 17th (Octobrists), the Union of the Russian People, as well as with the resolutions of the All-Russian Conference of Menshevik and United Organizations of the RSDLP (May 1917). For university students studying history, graduate students, and anyone interested in the topic.

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