BOOKS - SELF-DEFENSE AND SPORT - Теория и практика шахматной игры...
Теория и практика шахматной игры - Я.Б. Эстрин (ред.) 1984 DJVU Высшая школа BOOKS SELF-DEFENSE AND SPORT
USDt 8.86


Теория и практика шахматной игры
Author: Я.Б. Эстрин (ред.)
Year: 1984
Format: DJVU
File size: 10,24 MB
Language: RU

The book summarizes the experience of the Soviet chess school, sets out a system of methods for preparing for competitions, discusses the strategy and tactics of a chess game. The scientific and pedagogical recommendations of world champions M. Botvinnik, V. Smyslov, M. Tal and A. Karpov are presented, as well as materials from outstanding masters of the past are included. The 2nd edition (1st - 1981) includes a new section "From the Classical Heritage" and a number of other materials. For students and university professors. It can be useful to a wide range of qualified chess players.

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