BOOKS - RELIGION - Патрология. Период Древней Церкви с хрестоматией...
Патрология. Период Древней Церкви с хрестоматией - Легеев Михаил (свящ.) 2015 PDF СПб. Изд-во Санкт-Петербургской православной духовной академии BOOKS RELIGION
US $5.86

Патрология. Период Древней Церкви с хрестоматией
Author: Легеев Михаил (свящ.)
Year: 2015
Number of pages: 592
Format: PDF
File size: 17 MB
Language: RU

The textbook on pathology of candidate of theology priest Mikhail Legeev covers the period of patristic writing of the Ancient Church (I-III centuries). The book is built on the principle of chronological presentation of the material. The author's approach is based on a conceptual vision of the historical development of patristic thought as a whole. Each topic presented, dedicated to any of the outstanding fathers and teachers of the Church, reflects the most striking, characteristic features of their work.

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