9876168 YOULIBR - Великие архитекторы. Том 47. Роберт Вентури Барагамян А. (гл. ред.) PDF 2016 BOOKS CULTURE AND ARTS velikie-arhitektory-tom-47-robert-venturi
BOOKS - CULTURE AND ARTS - Великие архитекторы. Том 47. Роберт Вентури...
Великие архитекторы. Том 47. Роберт Вентури - Барагамян А. (гл. ред.) 2016 PDF Директ-Медиа, Комсомольская правда BOOKS CULTURE AND ARTS
US $9.79

Великие архитекторы. Том 47. Роберт Вентури
Author: Барагамян А. (гл. ред.)
Year: 2016
Number of pages: 72
Format: PDF
File size: 10 MB

"I love complexity and inconsistency in architecture," said Robert Venturi, one of the greatest architects of postmodernism. He made a huge contribution to the history of world architecture as a practitioner and theorist, and his books "Complexities and Contradictions in Architecture" and "Lessons from Las Vegas" became the theoretical basis of postmodernism in architecture. Passionate and infatuated, Venturi was not afraid to mix and match styles, to break rules and principles that seemed unshakable to others.

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