BOOKS - SCIENCE AND STUDY - География. Россия. Природа, население, хозяйство. Атлас. ...
География. Россия. Природа, население, хозяйство. Атлас. 8-9 классы - Григорьева М. 2017 PDF Просвещение BOOKS SCIENCE AND STUDY
US $7.82

География. Россия. Природа, население, хозяйство. Атлас. 8-9 классы
Author: Григорьева М.
Year: 2017
Number of pages: 68
Format: PDF
File size: 155 MB
Language: RU
Genre: обучение

New edition of the illustrated educational atlas on geography "Spheres." The content of the atlas was developed in accordance with the approximate geography program and meets the requirements of the GEF. Maps on all topics of the training course are presented.

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