BOOKS - SCIENCE FICTION - Карты судьбы. Цикл из 4 книг
Карты судьбы. Цикл из 4 книг - А. Емельянов, С. Савинов 2017-2018 FB2 | RTF Самиздат BOOKS SCIENCE FICTION
USDt 5.63


Карты судьбы. Цикл из 4 книг
Author: А. Емельянов, С. Савинов
Year: 2017-2018
Format: FB2 | RTF
File size: 16,4 MB
Language: RU

Mysterious cards begin to appear periodically in our world, with their help you can use spells, summon monsters, weapons. For victories and achievements they give experience and levels in the real world, they allow you to use stronger cards. Demonic faults opened. The world has changed, but the states have succeeded

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