BOOKS - HUMANITIES - Семья и брак историко-социологический анализ...
Семья и брак историко-социологический анализ - Голод С.И. 1998 DJVU Петрополис BOOKS HUMANITIES
USDt 8.53


Семья и брак историко-социологический анализ
Author: Голод С.И.
Year: 1998
Format: DJVU
File size: 10.8 MB
Language: RU

The evolution and trends of monogamy are examined. Immanent patterns of family development are analyzed, a typology of its historical (ideal) types is given, built on the difference in the nature of sex and age relations, the promising role of such socio-psychological values ​ ​ of the family as intimacy and autonomy is revealed. The pluralism of real models is shown. Along with the analysis of reality, the history of the formation of family sociology is set out.

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