BOOKS - TECHNOLOGY - Правила дорожного движения с примерами и комментариями 2022. Нов...
Правила дорожного движения с примерами и комментариями 2022. Новая таблица штрафов
Author: Алексей Громаковский
Format: PDF
File size: 15,2 MB
Language: RU
Format: PDF
File size: 15,2 MB
Language: RU
This edition contains the Road Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation with the latest amendments. The book will help not only remember traffic rules, but also fully understand their essence. It is easy to analyze road situations and draw the right conclusions with it. The sections are accompanied by comments and advice, drawings and photographs are given explaining the essence of the Rules, an up-to-date table of fines for traffic violations is contained.