BOOKS - NATURAL SCIENCES - Вариационные задачи механики и управления. Численные метод...
Вариационные задачи механики и управления. Численные методы - Ф.Л. Черноусько, Н.В. Баничук 1973 DJVU Наука BOOKS NATURAL SCIENCES
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Вариационные задачи механики и управления. Численные методы
Author: Ф.Л. Черноусько, Н.В. Баничук
Year: 1973
Format: DJVU
File size: 2,3 MB
Language: RU

Methods of local variations and successive approximations are applicable for solving a wide class of variation problems on computers. The monograph describes algorithms, data on their convergence, the results of solving a number of new problems of continuum mechanics and optimization of controlled movements using these methods. Universal standard programs of the described methods in the ALGOL-60 language are given. The monograph is based on the research of the authors and is designed for engineers

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