BOOKS - HISTORY - История крестьянства западного региона России. 1917-1941...

История крестьянства западного региона России. 1917-1941
Author: Филимонов В.Я., Журов Ю.В., Будаев Д.И.
Year: 2002
Format: PDF
File size: 14 MB
Language: RU
Year: 2002
Format: PDF
File size: 14 MB
Language: RU
The book is dedicated to one of the difficult and contradictory periods in the history of the peasantry of the western region of Russia (the territory of modern Smolensk, Bryansk and Kaluga regions) - from the 1917 revolution to the Great Patriotic War. Among the problems considered by the authors, based on the materials of the region, the following features of the agrarian revolution of 1917-1918, the social and economic development of the western village during the years of "war communism" and NEP, the change in the village culture and social psychology of the peasantry that took place during the years of Soviet power, the implementation and consequences of the collectivization policy.