BOOKS - HISTORY - Скотоводы Горного Алтая в скифское время (по материалам поселений)...
Скотоводы Горного Алтая в скифское время (по материалам поселений)
Author: Шульга П.И.
Year: 2015
Format: PDF
File size: 30 MB
Language: RU
Year: 2015
Format: PDF
File size: 30 MB
Language: RU
The proposed book examines the settlements of the early Iron Age (VIII-II centuries BC) in Gorny Altai, most of which belong to the world famous Pazyryk culture (VI-III centuries BC. e.), traditionally studied by funerary monuments. Settlement materials make it possible to consider previously poorly or almost not studied issues of farming and resettlement of nomads in Altai, as well as to significantly supplement and correct the existing ideas about the ethnocultural situation in Altai in Scythian time.