BOOKS - OS AND DB - Работа с базами данных в C++ Builder
Работа с базами данных в C++ Builder - Хомоненко А., Ададуров С.Е. 2006 PDF БХВ-Петербург BOOKS OS AND DB
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Работа с базами данных в C++ Builder
Author: Хомоненко А., Ададуров С.Е.
Year: 2006
Format: PDF
File size: 18 MB
Language: RU

Consider using C++ Builder to develop database applications. The concepts of databases are given, elements are characterized and design stages of relational databases are written, the technology for developing information systems is described. Shows the main techniques for working with data when creating tables, preparing SQL queries, using triggers and stored procedures. The main visual components for application development are described in detail, as well as tools for administering local and remote data. etc.

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