BOOKS - SCIENCE FICTION - Собрание произведений ( 5 книг)
Собрание произведений ( 5 книг) - Александр ВладимировичВоронков 2015 - 2018 FB2 Cамиздат , Лениздат BOOKS SCIENCE FICTION
US $6.61

Собрание произведений ( 5 книг)
Author: Александр ВладимировичВоронков
Year: 2015 - 2018
Format: FB2
File size: 11 MB
Genre: Фэнтези, Альтернативная история, Боевая фантастика

"Black digger" in the vastness of the Middle Ages! Europe under the hooves of the Mongol conquerors, knights taking a vassal oath to the descendants of Genghis Khan - how to survive in such a world for the average person of the 21st century with an unfinished higher, half-forgotten school course in history and a complete inability to fight with a sword or forge a hammer? No laptop with terabytes of useful information, no firearms, no local money. And no way to reach the powerful. And who needs such a "secret adviser" -padanets? But there is a sharp mind, the energy of youth and the desire to create your own corner of civilization with your own hands!

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