BOOKS - PROGRAMMING - Программирование GNOME/GTK+. Энциклопе...
Программирование GNOME/GTK+. Энциклопедия программиста - Гриффитеc Артур 2001 DJVU ДиаСофт BOOKS PROGRAMMING
US $9.56

Программирование GNOME/GTK+. Энциклопедия программиста
Author: Гриффитеc Артур
Year: 2001
Number of pages: 720
Format: DJVU
File size: 22 MB
Language: RU
Genre: Программирование

This edition is for those who want to write a C GUI application in a GNOME environment running Linux. Dozens of standard GNOME and GTK + functions help you with this, as they can be included in your application and take on most of the low-level and routine GUI implementation operations.

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