BOOKS - NATURAL SCIENCES - Равновесие между жидкостью и паром. В 2 книгах...
Равновесие между жидкостью и паром. В 2 книгах - Коган В.Б., Фридман В.М., Кафаров В.В. 1966 DJVU Наука BOOKS NATURAL SCIENCES
US $8.98

Равновесие между жидкостью и паром. В 2 книгах
Author: Коган В.Б., Фридман В.М., Кафаров В.В.
Year: 1966
Number of pages: 1440
Format: DJVU
File size: 11.4 MB
Language: RU

Reference manual consists of two parts. The first part describes modern methods for studying the equilibrium between liquid and steam, the instruments used for this purpose, as well as methods for processing and thermodynamic verification "of the correctness of experimental data. The second part provides a systematic summary of experimental data on the equilibrium between liquid and steam published in the world literature before 1965.

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