BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Броненосный "флот образцов" (Война на море)...
Броненосный "флот образцов" (Война на море) - Дмитрий Якимович 2018 PDF Яуза BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
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Броненосный "флот образцов" (Война на море)
Author: Дмитрий Якимович
Year: 2018
Format: PDF
File size: 18 MB
Language: RU

Admirals of armored fleets did not need any additional arguments in favor of creating squadrons of the same type of ships. In terms of supply, maintenance, crew training, joint maneuvering, such a squadron would give a fair head start to any heterogeneous. However, in the era of such a rapid development of military equipment as at the end of the 19th century, this was possible only with the relatively simultaneous laying and simultaneous construction of a large series of ships of the same type. To take such a step in a situation where views on the future of an armored ship regularly changed turned out to be risky - it was possible to get a whole squadron of ships of an unsuccessfully chosen type.

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