BOOKS - FOREIGN LANGUAGES - Практическая грамматика немецкого языка. Часть 2. Морфоло...
Практическая грамматика немецкого языка. Часть 2. Морфология. Глагол (2 год обучения) - Борис Шекасюк 2010 PDF Либроком BOOKS FOREIGN LANGUAGES
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Практическая грамматика немецкого языка. Часть 2. Морфология. Глагол (2 год обучения)
Author: Борис Шекасюк
Year: 2010
Format: PDF
File size: 14,3 MB
Language: русский/deutsch

This textbook covers all the material of the university program for pedagogical and philological specialties and is addressed to persons continuing to study German after graduating from high school. The main goal of the second part of the textbook is to fully master the most complex section of the grammatical structure of the German language - a system of verbal categories and phenomena that are largely uncharacteristic for native speakers of the Russian language: Modalverben, Genus verbi, Konjunktiv. Recommended for students of philological departments studying German as their main specialty.

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