BOOKS - HUMANITIES - Словарь русских личных имен Около 2600 имен...
Словарь русских личных имен Около 2600 имен - Никандр Александрович Петровский 1980 PDF Русский язык BOOKS HUMANITIES
USDt 9.62


Словарь русских личных имен Около 2600 имен
Author: Никандр Александрович Петровский
Year: 1980
Format: PDF
File size: 22,64 MB
Language: RU

There are about 2,600 Russian personal names in the dictionary. With them, patronymic forms, derived diminutive and affectionate forms, indications of the origin of the name are given. The dictionary is addressed to those interested in the history, development and use of personal names. It will benefit both specialist philologists and persons studying Russian as a non-native or foreign language.

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