BOOKS - HISTORY - Египет великих фараонов. История и легенда...
Египет великих фараонов. История и легенда - Жак К. 1992 PDF М. Наука. Главная редакция восточной литературы BOOKS HISTORY
USDt 6.63


Египет великих фараонов. История и легенда
Author: Жак К.
Year: 1992
Format: PDF
File size: 48 MB
Language: RU

In his book, the famous French Egyptologist sets out the history of Egypt in an entertaining and accessible form from prehistoric times to the enslavement of Upper and Lower Egypt by the Romans. Based on the analysis of monuments of material culture, widely using legends, the author talks about the most outstanding pharaohs, develops a panorama of the formation of the statehood of Egypt, economic and folk life, the evolution of spiritual culture.

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