BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Легкая кавалерия Наполеона
Легкая кавалерия Наполеона - Эман М. Вовси, В. Зевлевер  PDF HQ Москва, 2009 BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
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Легкая кавалерия Наполеона
Author: Эман М. Вовси, В. Зевлевер
Format: PDF HQ
File size: 153 МВ
Language: RU

CONTENTS Eman M. Vovsi French horse rangers of the era of the wars of the Revolution and the First Empire, 1792-1815 Initial history (1743-1790) in the crucible of the Wars of the Revolution (1792-1799) light cavalry in the Consul and Empire order of battle (1799-1815) First Restoration and One Hundred Days of "Snow of Cold Russia, Sultry Sand of the Pyramids" Combat Path of Horse-Jaeger Regiments, 1800-1815 Uniforms and Equipment (General Provisions) Appendix 1 (Unusual Adventures of the Gallant Brigadier Dumas) V. Zevlever French Hussars of the First Empire Appearance of the French Hussar Hussar mentality Tactics of light cavalry