BOOKS - NATURAL SCIENCES - Самодельные астрономические инструменты и наблюдения с ним...
Самодельные астрономические инструменты и наблюдения с ними -  1965 PDF М, Наука BOOKS NATURAL SCIENCES
USDt 5.66


Самодельные астрономические инструменты и наблюдения с ними
Year: 1965
Format: PDF
File size: 11 MB

Astronomers use data and methods of a number of related sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, etc.) for their scientific research, and various technological achievements to create their instruments and instruments. In turn, astronomy contributes to the development of a number of sciences and branches of technology, enriching them with new specific content (mathematics, mechanics, optics, etc.)...

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