BOOKS - DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURE - Эволюция замковой архитектуры XIV-XVI вв. в Централ...
Эволюция замковой архитектуры XIV-XVI вв. в Центральной Европе - Килимник Е.В. 2008 PDF Екатеринбург Российский государственный профессионально-педагогический университет (РГППУ) BOOKS DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURE
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Эволюция замковой архитектуры XIV-XVI вв. в Центральной Европе
Author: Килимник Е.В.
Year: 2008
Format: PDF
File size: 174 MB
Language: RU

On the basis of a comprehensive study of the space-planning solutions of the castle buildings of Central Europe of the XIV-XVI centuries, the cultural and historical interaction of building traditions, as well as the development of military art, an attempt was made to explore the cultural and historical significance of feudal palace-castle complexes, trace their evolution and carry out the appropriate architectural typing.

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