987616865161 YOULIBR - История Зеербургского подполья Перемолотов Владимир Васильевич FB2 | TXT | RTF 2018 BOOKS SCIENCE FICTION istoriya-zeerburgskogo-podpolya
BOOKS - SCIENCE FICTION - История Зеербургского подполья
История Зеербургского подполья - Перемолотов Владимир Васильевич 2018 FB2 | TXT | RTF Самиздат BOOKS SCIENCE FICTION
US $9.77

История Зеербургского подполья
Author: Перемолотов Владимир Васильевич
Year: 2018
Format: FB2 | TXT | RTF
File size: 10 MB
Genre: Приключенческая фантастика

This is a toy action movie. An attempt to understand and describe how those figures on our monitors, with whom we play "shooters," feel and live... We are used to dividing the world into our scouts and other people's spies. And if they are all their own?

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